I thought I'd share about a project that I've been on and off for a few weeks. A few years ago, I've tried dabbling a little bit in game development stuff. Recently I decided to try to get back into it, so I've been making a game in Gdevelop.
heres what I've got so far
It's just a bunch of placeholders right now, but it's basically gonna be like a trench warfare type of game (the red squares in the middle are just there to center and control the camera).
So there is the player trench and the enemy AI trench, both consist of sectors that house infantry. Infantry can be sent to attack a sector, when a sector falls it leaves an opening for the player to attack the ai headquarters. Both sides have a limited number of reserves however, that can be sent into the map to retake a sector or defend the headquarters. Infantry from an adjacent sector can also be ordered to retake a fallen sector. The player wins the game by destroying the ai headquarters, and loses if their headquarters is destroyed.
The player has access to 5 building slots, where those orange squares are in the image. The player can build barracks, which will train infantry that the player can send to a sector. I'm still thinking on what other buildings the player could have access to, a few things I've thought of are artillery guns that can weaken an enemy sector, tank factories, and something like a research facility where the player can get, say, better infantry or something of the sort.
Other concepts I'm still deciding on are a resource system and the enemy ai itself
For the enemy ai, I've been thinking of giving it a large but limited reserve of infantry that it can use instead of training more units. This would give the player another path to victory, by killing all the ai reserves. Alternatively, I could let the ai be able to train its own units. Another thing I've thought of is to give the ai the ability to randomly airstrike player buildings, which would force the player to reconstruct destroyed buildings.
This is mostly just concepts for now, but I am open if anyone has suggestions for me